This fountain had been broken for at least two years and was sitting on the shore for about 6 months. Somehow miraculously it was reinstalled and began working on 2/21/2025. Was it the multiple emails to the owner and attorney for APM or was it this website that made this happen?

This fountain has been broken for the last year. The board spent about $7,000 to fix it. It was on for about 2 weeks until the light went out and it broke completely in the middle of January. So in the last year it was fully functional for less than two months. Notice the large branch sitting in the water behind it. That has been there since October 2024. None of the people we pay to maintain our property could be bothered to fish it out?

This fountain works about 50% of the time and can be seen from the president’s living room window.
This is the most dangerous situation in the community; the broken street light at the main intersection near the entrance. Most people turn on their bright lights when driving through and I’m often afraid that I will hit someone in the sidewalk. It has been in this state for at least 9 months. Did the board notice this during the Christmas lights stroll? Does any one on the board drive in or out at night? How could they not notice how dangerous this is?

Broken lights at the small pool.

Broken street light in by the Wesleys. There at least 5 more street lights around the community that are broken. It is very difficult to see walkers at night in these places.

But there are plenty of lights and security cameras at the maintenance garage. Why is it on during the day?

Plenty of light and security at the business office. We can afford to light this place well for our manager, but can’t safely light the streets for residents?

Why have we allowed APM to brand our community? Did SST pay for this?

Look at that industrial safety light for the office! The community bought 4 of them for the office!

One of two security cameras at the business office. Strangely the board thinks we need to spend $7k on even more cameras in 2025. Property manager now works from home!

Look at this situation. Someone was aware that it is dangerous and knew enough to put a cone there. It has been like this for at least 2 years. Aside from the safety risk, can we try to save that tree? This is where the maintenance person has parked his truck for the last two years.

Landscaping removed and never replaced.

Landscaping as it appears to someone walking on the High meadow drive sidewalk. Does this represent our community well? Notice the trash among the weeds.

No children’s play area for the last 6 months.

Landscaping removed never replaced.

The board bought many bougainvillea plants to “improve safety” but they are now all dead. Plus we have an enormous bougainvillea plant in the front which we could have taken cuttings from for free. Total waste of money.

More dead bougainvilleas along the sidewalk which faces High Meadow. Money completely wasted by the board. They were never cared for by the board or maintenance staff and have been sitting here dead for at least a year. Looks really nice to the public walking by.
One of our neighbors has decided that they have the right to dispose of their cat’s waste on common property. Someone occasionally must pick it up, but these bags of soiled cat litter stay here for days. This has been going on for months. Why won’t the manager or board do something about this? By the way, the president of our board must drive by this so he has seen this many times over the last few months. Update as of 2/27/2025: there are now two bags! The one pictured above has been sitting here for 2 weeks, it must smell nice. The landscapers mowed around it and the maintenance person is sitting in his garage every time I drive by. Note, our property manger does not work on Fridays, the day we have landscapers on site. Why has the board allowed the manager to have off on Fridays? Should she be here to at least keep an eye on the contractors which are our biggest expenditure?? In addition the manager now works from home. How can she supervise anything from home?

Landscaping by the front entrance removed over a year ago and never replaced. This is the first thing residents and prospective residents see upon entrance. Does this represent us well?

Unkempt landscaping.

Tree removed, never replaced. Didn’t we have $5k budgeted for landscaping replacement in 2024? Where did that money go?

Another tree removed in 2025 and not replaced. This was actually alive and struggled to regrow but was killed finally by the landscapers even after a resident asked our manager to do something to save it.

Another tree removed and not replaced (among many). This one is actually still alive, but the Above and Beyond crew will surely kill it when they cover our grounds with cancer causing glyphosate as they do every month.

Another tree removed and not replaced. There are tens of examples of trees being removed in the last two years but not replaced despite their being money in the budget for it.
Another tree taken and not replaced. Some industrious resident has made an attempt to fill the space.

Security light on during the day. There are at least 10 examples that I found on 2/16/2025. Don’t the maintenance supervisor or property manager notice this when they are out on property during the day???? Our president’s security light also did not go off during the day. However his was fixed within four days time!

Another security light on during the day. Light sensor clearly not working. Again, board president had his fixed in 4 days and has done nothing to help this owner who is spending money to unnecessarily keep this lit during the day.

Our roofers left this dangerous situation over the long presidents day weekend in February 2024. Too bad we don’t have a full time property manager on site to catch stuff like this. Also, notice that the landscaping has been removed and not replaced.

Our contractor nailed a permit right into an oak tree. Should we try to save the trees we still have?

Horrible and possibly dangerous conditions on the basketball courts.

Close up view of the cracked basket ball court. This court is heavily used by the young people in our community. These cracks are a hazard.

Dangerously cracked tennis courts.

Here is an announcement demanding residents immediately repaint the INSIDE of their fence for the sake of the beauty of our community. Note the threatening tone.

And here are two examples of Sandalwoods where the exterior of the fences have not been painted in over 6 months. So the manager is concerned about the beauty of our community but not enough to have anyone paint the OUTSIDE of fences?

Look at the state of this Sandal Wood fence! I’m starting to doubt that the manager really cares about the beauty of our community. Does anyone care about our property values?

Another fence in terrible shape. Most of the Sandalwood fences are in poor shape, some have been replaced without being painted. All of the community received a nasty email from the property manager about these fences where she clearly states the HOA is responsible for the maintenance of these for the purpose of the beauty of the community.

And in spite of all the issues noted above and the many many more examples I have not included because I’m tired of uploading photos…..the priority of our Board is trivia night, book clubs and ice cream socials? How does this make sense? Who is paying for the ice cream?

Doesn’t it annoy you to drive through a dangerous intersection that has a light that hasn’t been fixed in at least 9 months and see this sign posted on your mailbox? Especially since the board hosted a Christmas lights stroll right under it two months ago and you just wrote a check to the association for $855!! And the business office which is branded with APM’s logo is lit up like Miami international airport and has multiple cameras to protect a manager that doesn’t even come into the office anymore!!! And when she does come to the office she gets into multiple shouting matches with our neighbors to the point of police involvement! And the board never takes any action to improve the service that we get from APM and in fact seems oddly beholden to APM! I mean seriously isn’t it odd that the needs of APM are always considered above the needs of the residents who are now paying an exorbitant monthly fee??

I can’t be the only one that gets angry at all this…right?

Reach out to me at [email protected] if you’d like.